Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 11, 2012

Due to necessary to restructure human resources (continued)

This article will be
 Running on a short-term planning


This article does not discussion the reason why businessmen preferred a short-term planning


A short-term planning will be very hard to manage from senior manager as follow:


·         Not training & prepared to replace some junior leaders or teams leader for long-term

·         Capital sources:  a short-term & small will be a lot of thorny for action plan

·         A lot more the matters as such produce, customer, competitive advantage, supply chains but should be stopped here temporarily  


Role of managers with a performance


-          Managing Director or CEO must be managed professionally for administrative, financial, marketing development, supply chains & manufacture. They will be set up action plan for every stage from strategic organizational. So, it’s difficult to draw up for short-term strategies, and also will not be able to recruit a good manager or CEO

-          Floating & fixed capital will be more seriously for operation while it’s not capacity cost to replace production line or improved continuously


 According to Robert Kreitner in Organizational Behavior 

Organizational Effectiveness through Continuous Improvement


  • People

  1. skill development
  2. motivation
  3. teamwork
  4. personal development and learning
  5. readiness to change and adopt
  6. increased personal responsibility for organizational outcomes
  7. greater self-management
  8. decreased stress

  • Processes

  1. technological advancement
  2. faster produce development and production cycle times
  3. system flexibility
  4. learner and more effective administration
  5. improved communication and information flow
  6. organizational learning
  7. participative and ethical decision making

  • Productivity

  1. reduced waste
  2. reduced rework
  3. more efficiency use of material, human, financial, and informational resources

  • Product

  1. greater customer satisfaction
  2. better quality goods and services


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